A custom made expeditions for a small group of friends is the ideal. That way you set your own dates and we match you up with the best guide or operator posible. The larger the group- up to 8, the lower the cost since you share the cost of transport, guide and guide expenses.
You can learn a lot about us on our web site https://www.caminodecostarica.org see a slide show of photos hikers sent us in 2018 in YouTube: El Camino de Costa Rica Photographs 2018, or a narrated version and check out our Facebook page @El Camino De Costa Rica to see all the excitement going on.
Our Facebook page @elcaminodecostarica has a lot of recent fotos and also some of the local day or weekend offers.
El Camino de Costa Rica is a 280 km trek primarily composed of rural roads, footpaths and trails through forests. It has a wide variety of terrain, altitudes, and microclimates and affords an up close and personal view of many different rural subcultures.
It is divided into 16 stages and it is best done in a small group with a guide. (We highly recommend a guide to avoid natural dangers and to provide you access to restricted or private areas.) The hike can be done in either 12, 14, 15 or 16 days depending on the strength of the hikers in the group.
We have some operators ready to custom make an expedition for you and a group of friends or you might be able to join a group already going.
Let me ask you some questions in order for me to determine the best hiking options for you:
1) What is your level of hiking [Beginners = max 20km and no more than 300m ascent; Intermediate= max 30km and no more than 600m ascent; Advanced more than 30km and over 600m ascent]
2) Do you want logistic support so that you only carry a daypack each day or are you willing to carry your backpack all the way?
You can see the route in Wikiloc.
Check out this trail on Wikiloc! https://www.wikiloc.com/hiking-trails/el-camino-de-costa-rica-atlantico-mar-caribe-al-pacifico-via-tsiobata-44005875 (El Camino de Costa Rica Atlantico ( Mar Caribe) al Pacifico via Tsiobata)
El Camino de Costa Rica Atlantico ( Mar Caribe) al Pacifico via Tsiobata
If you have a question it is best to write us at elcaminodecostarica@gmail.com
But if you have a picture or a commnet or a recommendation, here it is great to post.